If the plant is wilted and the soil is very wet, there is probably a root problem or insufficient air space and/or drainage in the soil. (Publishes quarterly bulletins and other miscellaneous information texts. 15b).Fig. The adult females (1/8 inch) with their white egg sacs are most noticeable in May and June. Symptoms: Spots are irregular in size and color (Fig. Sticky honeydew is excreted by … progression. Newly emerged leaves and stems arenot as hardy as older foliage and stems. Cause: Probably several different viruses involved (Fig. A more complete list of azalea problems is at azalea diagnosis. Cottony masses of the scales are often located on twigs and in the forks of the branches. Look closely atsuch symptoms to be certain the cause is properlydiagnosed.Mountain beaver: These rodent-like creatures areburrowers and occasionally eat away part or all ofthe subterranean portion of the plant. Q. azalea bark scale. Affected branches can be removed and destroyed. can cause serious harm to your favorite Azalea or Rhododendron. Plant a sun tolerant rhododendron or provide partial shade. Rhododendrons of the World. Lyon. 5) appears as small white cottony masses on the bark. Peopleare often reluctant to admit to chemicalmisuse or are simply unaware of the effectsof such chemicals as roof preservatives, de-mossing chemicals, paint thinners, or herbi-cides on ornamental plants. Crown girdling by root weevil larvae. Plants inthe shade may show moresymptoms.Cause: The fungus Microsphaeraazalae causes this disease(Fig. Either the aphids or theircast skins can be found on the leaves, usually on the under-sides. EB1051. Fig. 28. A 100 rating indicates complete resistance. Sooty mold is also present (on bark). 22. 31). 36. Fungus Leaf SpotFig. 32a. 7. 32b, c). can only multiply in living cells, often detri- mental to these invaded cells.26, APPENDIX ASpecies Rhododendrons Showing Resistance to Feeding by Adult Root WeevilsSpecies Series Possible Blossom Colors Rating*heliolepis Heliolepis white, rose 100impeditum Lapponicum purplish blue 100scintillans Lapponicum purplish blue 100burmanicum Maddenii yellow to greenish white 100dauricum Dauricum lavender-rose intricatum Lapponicum mauve 97minus Carolinianum rose, white 97desquamatum Heliolepis rose, violet 93ferrugineum Ferrugineum rose, white 93hemsleyanum Fortunei white 93cuneatum Lapponicum rose 93fastigiatum Lapponicum lilac, purple 90yakusimanum Ponticum white, rose 90ungernii Ponticum white, pale pink 90rubiginosum Heliolepis pink, rose 83irroratum Irroratum white, ivory, rose 83racemosum Virgatum white, rose 83russatum Lapponicum blue-purple 80carolinianum Carolinianum pink, rose, white 80oreodoxa Fortunei rose, white 80oreotrephes Triflorum mauve, purple, rosy red 80vernicosum Fortunei white, rose 77adenophorum Teliense rose 77campylogynum Campylogynum pink, purple, crimson 77xanthocodon Cinnaborinum ivory, yellow 77diaprepes Fortunei white, pale rose 77pubescens Scabrifolium white, rose 73lepidastylum Trichocladum pale yellow 73pemokoense Uniflorum lilac-pink 73arizelum Falconeri white, yellow, rose, crimson 73glaucophyllum Glaucophyllum white, rose 73decorum Fortunei white, pink, chartreuse 73cardiobasis Fortunei white, rose 73praestans Grande magenta-rose, pink 73hippophaeoides Lapponicum lilac, rose 73eurysiphon Thomsonii ivory, rose 73imperator Uniflorum pink, rose 73concatenans Cinnaborinum apricot, yellow 70yunnanense Triflorum white, lavender, pink 70ciliatum Maddenii white, rose 70discolor Fortunei white, pink 70davidsonianum Triflorum white, pink, rose 70 70*The higher the number, the less feeding is expected. Sooty mold will also accumulate on the leaf surfaces and bark, much like it does during aphid feeding. Nymph—the immature stage of insects pos-Later nymphal stages become somewhat or com- sessing an egg—nymph (young adult)—adultpletely immobile. Store pesticides in theiroriginal containers and keep them out of the reach of children, pets, and livestock.Issued by Washington State University Extension and the U.S. Department of Agriculture in furtherance of the Acts of May8 and June 30, 1914. Offshoot Publications, Eugene, Oregon. Chemicalcontrols may be used if theinfestation is severe. 38. 464 pp.Leach, D.G. Subject code 255. Many diseases and other problems can be prevented by following the recommended cultural practices for proper planting and care. Poorly drained soil Planted too deep: If rhododendrons are plantedcan also be responsible as roots suffocate in water too deep, the symptoms on the plant will be simi-and are then invaded by rot organisms. Please contact the Information Department, College of Agricultural, Human, and NaturalResource Sciences, Washington State University for more information. 10. 5, Azalea Leafminer Fig. Crape myrtle bark scale is relatively easy to identify. 18a. Marginal leaf necrosis. Powdery mildew on rhododendron.Symptoms: Leaves may beoff-color, and are covered withfungus growth which is oftenpowdery. These small sucking insects feed on the bark and exude a sticky substance that turns the stems black. The insect in the picture insect looks like a mealybug, though Azalea Bark Scale can have a similar appearance. Bark scales. Byther, Extension Plant Pathologist;R.R. Azalea Bark Scale (Eriococcus azaleae) Bark scales are a type of soft scale and an infestation is indicated by clear sticky honeydew with attendant sooty mold (black fungus) on leaves or stems, yellowing of leaves, and twig dieback. They often strip the leavesdown to nothing. Insufficient drainage leads to rootheath family. 20. Symptoms of their sucking include honeydew, sooty mold, and considerable leaf yellowing and die back. If onlya few leaves are involved,squeezing the insect within itsmine may decrease damage toan acceptable level. Rust on rhododendron.ledi is the most common causeof rust in the Pacific Northwest(Fig. 15, Azalea Leaf GallSymptoms: On azaleas, light green, fleshy, bladder-shaped galls appear on new leavesin late spring and early summer. Azalea Bark Scale-this appears as a white, waxy coating that the red females use to cover themselves as well as their eggs. 3, Fig. Sitka spruce is the alter-nate host. Blackened branches made so by honeydew and mold, eventually sicken and die, as does the female when her egg sac is full. This sap-sucking scale can cause serious harm to your favorite Azalea or Rhododendron. Bark scale originates from China and was brought to the U.S. in 2010. 435 pp.Van Veen, Ted. Root weevils (Otiorhynchus spp.and others) normally feed at night.Their damage can be confirmed bychecking plants at night with a flash-light for the presence of the weevils.Damage to leaves by weevil adults isnot normally a serious threat to theplants, but heavy feeding results in anunsightly plant. Cause: Algae (Fig. Some varietieswill lose their older leavesjust before the onset ofwinter, and some varietieswill lose their leaves duringsummer drought periods.This is normal.Normal BarkDevelopmentSymptoms: Emerging rhododendron shoots are,for a period of time, very green. Heat Damage Symptoms: Brown, indistinct blotches of varying degrees, originating mostly on the central portions of the top leaves. If azalea bark scale is found, Michigan State University Extension recommends spraying infested plants with a 2 percent concentration of a horticultural oil in mid-July. You may also see cottony masses in the forks of the branches of your azalea. To treat, eliminate the insects and prune any dead or dying parts of the plant. Red females cover themselves and their eggs with a white, waxy protective coating. Van Nostrand, Princeton, N.J. 1965. 24. See: Azalea (Rhododendron)-Azalea bark scale. To avoid root rots, provide good oping root rots. A: That crusty growth might look like a fungus or mold, but it’s actually a bug called azalea bark scale. On rhododendrons, leaves may beentirely or partially chlorotic (often bleached to a creamy off-white or pinkish color)and may be somewhat thickened. Drooping rolled leaves caused by cold weather. leaves at center and bottom of photo. Azalea bark scale is similar in appearance to a mealybug and uses the same kind of waxy coating for armor. Scale. Lack of nitrogen, or available nitrogen, tied up in decomposing organic matter, such as sawdust in the soil around the plant. Warning : Horticultural chemicals tend to work because they are harmful. 18a, 18b).Cause: Freezing temperatures in late fall, winter, or early spring.Replant with a more hardy variety if problem occurs regularly.Frost Injury/New GrowthSymptoms: Newly emerged growth killed or partially killedin the spring of the year. 6. Theycan be seen during the dayand are easily controlled withpesticides (when the larvaeare present). The Azalea Book. sawdust, bark chips, or ground bark, is very benefi- cial to keep roots cool and moist.Because of the diversity in the genus Rhododendron,it is impossible to give exact cultural requirements The hardiness of a plant may be defined as the abilityfor each variety. Affected shrubs may be covered with sooty mold or appear as white, cottony masses within the forks of branches. The azalea bark scale is a closely related species, but it has not been observed infesting crape myrtles. Caterpillars, cocoons, eggmasses, or wingless gray females are signs of thisinsect. also bury roots too deep.Stem diseases: In contrast to root rots, wherethe entire plant is affected, diseases causing stemdieback usually only affect some of the twigs andbranches, while others will appear normal. Small, fibrous normal, compare them to the leaves of previousroots rot first. your shrubs and trees. 14). 17, POWDERY, GRANULAR, OR OTHER UNUSUAL MATERIALON LEAVES AND/OR STEMSRustSymptoms: Light green to yel-low, small, diffuse spots ran-domly distributed on the leaf.Associated with spots on theunderside of the leaf are pus-tules producing yellow to orangepowdery spore masses. Dead bark falls off the cankered area. Leavesmay be tightly rolled andskeletonized followed bypremature leaf drop. Finally, an organic mulch, such asin the heath family are all somewhat similar. Root damage due to poor drainage, planting too deep, physical injury to root system, or disease. Fig. 9, Virus Diseases Symptoms: Bright yellow to red- brown rings, spots, and blotches on rhododendron leaves. dormant oil spray in early spring, and insecticidal soap, or summer oil, as needed, throughout the spring and Leaf yellowing caused Causes:by wet feet. Symptoms: Leaves show a yellowish speckling on the top surface (Fig. by fungi and some other plants.Larva—the immature stage of insects possess- Symptoms—abnormal appearances of a plant.ing an egg­—larval—pupal—adult progression. Note yellow and gray growths on stems. Twisted, puckered new growth on rhododendron caused by aphid feeding. Infected leaves may drop prematurely. Algae Symptoms: Green felt- like material on leaf surfaces, which can be rubbed or scraped off. Recommended treatment may depend on their location. 9).Small yellowish caterpillarsmine inside leaf tissues andlater roll the leaves. Powdery mildew symptoms on upper leaf surface seen on some Powdery Mildewrhododendron varieties. 33).Sooty mold is the fungus whichdevelops on the honeydewexcreted by sucking insects.Control of these insects willeliminate the problem. Eggs, crawlers and adults under the wax are red. 296 pp.Davison, A.D., R. Davidson, B.G. In the genus Acanthococcus (formerly Eriococcus), the scale is a type of felt or bark scale. Partially affected leaves have a distinct line betweenthe healthy green and the chlorotic tissue. Azalea bark scale shown on an azalea also may be found on rhododendrons. When crushed, these scales exude pink “blood”-like liquid. Allen and Unwin, London. 21, Lichens Fig. Late frostdamage on newly emerged leaves is similar, except that theinsects and/or cast aphid skins will not be present. Sunscald on rhododendron leaves. The galls change from red to brown, become hard,and are covered with a powdery white bloom. Several species of fungi cause this disease. 251 pp.Cox. Physiological leaf spot. Affected branches can be removed and destroyed. 19).Cause: Late spring frost. Other insects that bother azaleas include: Azalea Bark Scale-this appears as a white, waxy coating that the red females use to cover themselves as well as their eggs. 15a. On new growth and in heavy infestations, the scales may be distributed more uniformly on the branch (Figs. Leaves are exhibiting normal fall color of a deciduous azalea. Fig. While its primary target is citrus trees, it also feeds on olives and other fruit, and can be found on some vegetables such as pumpkin. Photo: John Davidson, University of Maryland. Lack of sufficient iron or manganese in the soil (uncommon).3. Symptoms: Some rhododen- drons have unusual symptoms and lack the white powdery appearance typical of pow- dery mildew diseases. This group is in the superfamily Coccoidea(scale insects) and the order Hemiptera (true bugs). In one year, there could be at least two generations of CMBS. See "Scale insect" in: Common Landscape Pests 25b. azalea bark scale on 'Nannie Angell' Casio QV-2900UX,scale 0205090004.s.JPG 1/1493s f/3.2 at 7.0mm full exif other sizes: small medium original auto the bark of other shrubs and trees. Fig. 2001.Antonelli, A., S. Collman. brown, burned back (necrotic) from tips and/or edges toward the midrib or middle of the leaf (Figs. 11. They generally don't harm the plant they grow on, since they make their own food from sunlight, water and air. Rhododendrons and azaleas usually do not suffer greatly from insect damage but this is not always the case. We have about a dozen azaleas which were probably planted many decades ago. 27. Honeydew deposits offer a mediumfor black sooty mold, which may also be present. The crapemyrtle bark scale, Acanthococcus (=Eriococcus)lagerstroemiae (Kuwana), is an invasive felt scale in the family Eriococcidae (or Acanthococcidae, as the taxonomy of this family is still being debated). If damage is significant, then a registered pes- ticide may be applied. Adult root weevil notching.Symptoms: Small, irregular or semi- Fig. Examinethe plant carefully and determine which of the symptoms best describe the condition observed. 5. WSU Extension. Greer’s Guidebook to Available Rhododendrons: Species and Hybrids. Eriococcus azaleae. The crawlers like to attach to the bark and feed in crevices and branch forks. 2. Iftolerate temperatures to -25˚F, while others do not the plant can withstand rather cold temperatures ittolerate frost. Infested azaleas usually appear chlorotic, and severe infestation of azalea bark scale can … herbicide.Hymenoptera—order of insects that includes Spores—minute reproductive bodies producedthe bees, ants, wasps, and sawflies. It is associated with aphid or other sucking insect activity, either onthe plant or on trees or shrubs overhead.Cause: Sooty mold (Fig. The “bumps” maybe brown or marbled whiteand brown (Fig. However scale populations can sometimes get out of control and cause plant damage or be a nuisance with sticky honeydew. Most of the damage is to the top ofthe pant. Follow their label safety precautions such as gloves and other protective measures to avoid personal harm, and follow their label rates of dilution and application to avoid harm to the plants and environment. Leafroller larvae about 1/2 inch long. Like this book? Many people who call us describe their trees as covered in white dots, or white cotton like bumps. 1992.Greer, H.E. This sap-sucking scale Heavy infestations may cause leaf yellowing, honeydew, stunting and die back. Macmillan, New York. To treat, eliminate the insects and prune any dead or dying parts of the plant. Many people enjoy the color and patterns lichens create. May be accentuated by wind and drought, especially in east- ern Washington. This group is in the superfamily Coccoidea(scale insects) and the order Hemiptera (true bugs). To reduce theincidence of this disease, rakeup and destroy fallen leaves.Spray with a registeredfungicide at the first sign ofdisease.18, Fig. Other weevils may also notch rhododendrons.circular notches on leaf edges, some- These include black vine weevil, strawberry root weevil, woods weevil, and clay-times running together into larger colored weevil. EB0970. When older leavesturn yellow and/or brownand fall off in large numbers,this is usually normal leafsenescence. Soft Scales Found on Trees and Shrubs - The following are examples of commonly found scale insects that infest deciduous, broadleaf, and evergreen plants. 255 W. Tulpehocken St. Philadelphia, PA 19144, Phone: 215.844.8733 | Fax: 215.438.1879 | email: mcfarland@mcfarlandtree.com. The prunings should be de-stroyed and the pruning shears disinfected. Azalea leafminer damage.Symptoms: Brown, blister-like mines on leaves. plants. 22). Azalea bark scale (Acanthococcus azaleae) infestations can be severe. Wesenberg. 544 pp.Lee, F.P. registered by a company with the federal gov-Herbicides—specialized chemicals that kill ernment for killing specific insects on specificplants. Lace bugs/Spider mites. They eventuallyturn brown (bark color). A few years ago, some developed azalea bark scale infestations. Reply. They are not common and often are not severe. CMBS might be able to overwinter in the adult female and egg life stages, and crawlers and later stage nymphs have been observed overwintering under the loose bark and in cracks and crevices of crapemyrtles in our area. 17. On new growth and in heavy infestations, the scales may be distributed more uniformly on the branch (Figs. 3–5). If severe, remove and replant with other varieties. ally the immature stage) feeds between theChlorosis—yellow coloration usually resulting epidermal (surface) tissue of leaves or just underfrom reduced development or loss of chloro- the bark.phyll. ).It has been reported in the Eastern US, as well as Belgium and Russia. Cause: Heat and/or sun scald symptoms develop rapidly after a hot spell with intense sunlight (Fig. Dead ronmental stress. Preventative applicationsof a registered fungicide may benecessary when rust continuesto be a yearly problem.Powdery Mildew Fig. Adult lacebugs. Fig. 1962. Stressed plants are much more sus- (Check with a local grower or garden center forceptible to damage from insects and diseases. Recognition and Life Cycle. Flower bud cold injury. Chemical injury to leaves (possibly herbicide). In addition to Rhododendrons and Azalea, this bark scale will also dine on other plants such as Andromeda, Arborvitae, Fremontia, Hackberry, Maple, Poplar and Willow, causing similar damage. Drought, especially while the plant is in active growth or the foliage is in soft growth, and on newly established plants. Necrotic—dead or dying (usually in referenceCrawlers (young)—the mobile nymphal stage to tissue).of certain insects, such as scales, mealybugs, etc. Cultural needs of plants in the summer. It has our attention particularly on Kousa Dogwoods. 3. 21).Cause: Normal development. Azalea Bark Scale – This azalea plant pest occurs most often in the eastern United States. Most materials registered for root weevils also control lacebugs. Obscure root weevil adult. Fig. Azalea Bark Scale Eriococcus azalea A scale infestation is indicated by sooty mold on leaves, yellowing of leaves, and twig dieback. I have been scraping off the scale as I see it and have also begun treatment with your website’s advice. Several effective fungicides are available gins to settle. In this case, pentachlorophenol Fig. Lace bugs/Spider mites. Leaf Roller Symptoms: Leaves rolled, webbed, and chewed (although significant chewing may not yet be apparent at the time of obser- vation). A&M has identified this pest as Eriococcus lagerstroemiae, and suspects that it was brought into the U.S. on a crape myrtle plant. 11, Leaf Senescence Fig. 15b. Plant shows symptoms on both tip and Symptoms: Upper leavesedges of leaves. Discovered in 1881, the azalea bark scale, Eriococcus azaleas, is a prominent pest of rhododendron, azalea, and huckleberry (Vaccinium spp. Felt scales, also called bark scales, are not considered either armored scales or soft scales. So hopefully that helps. Also, many rhododendron andazalea varieties or species demonstrateconsiderable weevil resistance. azalea bark scale: azalea bark scale: azalea bark scale: bark split: bark split: bark split: bark split: cold damage: leaf gall: leaf gall: leaf gall: lichen: vine weevil damage 'Coquette': bark split 'Coquette': freeze damage 'Don's Variegated': freeze damage: flammeum 'Limerick' Chocolate-brown cankers enlarge along the branch more quickly than around its circumference. Carl says: June 11, 2019 at 1:16 pm . Another major agricultural pest is the California Red Scale, Aonidiella aurantii. The sac is about 1/8 inch long and 1/16 inch thick. Bark scales. A 100 rating indicates complete resistance.28, WSU Extension bulletins contain material written and produced for public distribution. Of the azalea bark scale the authors stated, "The azalea bark scale is closely related to, and in some ways resembles, mealybugs. Nutrient deficiency. These fungi com- monly enter through wounds. 39). For example, note such things as exposure to sun, soil mois-ture over long periods, pesticide usage, fertilizers applied, or any other environmental condition you mayobserve. Harmless spiders sometimes web leaves together, but they do not chew leaves. Loopers may be up to 11/2 inches long depending on species.Sawflies Fig. prevent the growth of fungi or other plant life.They feed on living or dead plants and animals, pH—a measurement relating to the acidity (lowresulting in disease or decay. Rhododendrons and azaleas usually do not suffer greatly from insect damage but this is not always the case. 1. 38), or white larvae in the soil (Fig. These greencaterpillar-like larvae blendwith the leaves (Fig. Nitrogen deficiency. Trade names have been used to simplify information;no endorsement is intended. The larvae soon emerge and roll up the tip or margin of the leaf and continue feeding. Video shows close ups of Azalea Bark scale and provides some plant inspection tips. Furnival and attention to the details of correctR. The fungus Phy- newer leaves are bigger than in past years, whichtophthora cinnamomi is a common cause of root indicates there has been a past problem and therot, but other species of Phytophthora and other plant is recovering.fungi can also be responsible. Symptom: Yellow, gray, green, orange, or black fleshy or papery growth on bark. 13, Chemical InjurySymptoms: A variety of leaf discolorationsthat do not fit well into previously listedsymptoms. 27, APPENDIX B Hybrid Rhododendrons Showing Resistance to Feeding by Adult Root Weevils Hybrid Possible Blossom Colors Rating* P.J. Some have red-brown borders with silvery gray centers. Up close, CMBS is white t… 15a). Twofungi, Phytophthora and Botryosphaeria, are com-mon causes of this problem. ( formerly Eriococcus ), or MISSHAPEN plant PARTSFig of nitrogen, azalea bark scale pictures! 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